Back To Guangzhou
After three long years of the enduring pandemic, I was elated to finally make my way back to my hometown, Guangzhou. Reuniting with my family and reconnecting with old friends offered a much-needed and delightful escape from my research endeavors.
Glimpsing at my high school, 华师附中 (the Affiliated High School of South China Normal University), from outside, I couldn’t help but notice how many things remained unchanged. A deluge of memories came rushing back as I passed by.

Exploring the 南越王宫博物馆 (Museum of the Southern Yue Palace), an archaeological marvel showcasing the site and relics from a palace and garden dating all the way back to 200 BC.

Visiting 永庆坊 (Yongqing Fang), an authentic street of traditional Cantonese architecture. This area has been transformed to serve as a vibrant showcase of diverse Cantonese culture.

The famous Chinese phrase “食在广州” (One should eat in Guangzhou) perfectly indicates the city’s reputation for exceptional cuisine. Here, I present a visual feast of some of the delicious dishes I enjoyed during my stay.

人有悲欢离合,(People have sorrow and joy; they part or meet again;) 月有阴晴圆缺,(The moon is bright or dim and she may wax or wane.) 此事古难全。(There has been nothing perfect since the olden days.) 但愿人长久,(So let us wish that everyone will live long as they can!) 千里共婵娟。(Though miles apart, we’ll share the beauty she displays.)
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